Welcome ...

… to our website. Kayaking is quite simply the best sport in the world, and believe us, we know what we are talking about. This is especially true when it comes to competitive sport, which offers speed, variety, action – everything you could possibly want.

Canoe marathon unites these traits more than any other canoeing discipline and is our shared focus. Since 2016 we even do so racing as a pair in the K2 events. From race to race, and season to season we work to improve our performance due to hard training, our ambition, and our will to work our way to the top. Our first taste of and European championships only strengthened our resolve to carry on. There is always scope for improvement.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our website, where you will find photos, videos, useful information and lots more about us and about the sport we love. Take a look and accompany us … you won’t regret it.

Racing calendar:

14. Sep - 15. SepHengelo-Regatta (Kanurennsport)
18. Sep - 22. SepWELTMEISTERSCHAFTEN Kanu-Marathon (Kroatien)
28. Sep - 29. SepOker (Abfahrtsrennen)

Our main supporters